In addition, this page obtains and exhibits permission
of the head of the place-of-work west divine work business place before a
move, and the head of the 神鉄 place of business of the place of work after a
Supposing a uniform proposer and the right holder can
obtain a patent on Izu Masatoshi Kura, they will say that it is "office of the
Izu warehouse" which got the idea prize (500 yen) of the proposal.
If you please, anyone may be sufficient. A company,
company, and organization of what may be sufficient. Please fulfill a "dream"
instead of yourself.
Moreover, please the direction under - research gives me
connection during development about this proposal.
E-mail address
Moreover, it is a time of utilization being in prospect
since I thought that the patent right about this proposal was in office.
It is the proposal proposed by the company below.
現状 最確数法(MPN法)の菌数測定は、目的の試料から1定量の試料を5本ずつ取り、それを10倍希釈した試料を1mlずつ5本の試験管に取る事を繰り返して殖種し、1定時間培養後5本中の反応が現れた陽性管の本数を数えて、最確数表から判断して、菌体数を推定する方法である。
Present condition The number measurement of bacilli of a
most probable number method (the MPN method) takes five samples of 1 fixed
quantity at a time from the target sample,It is the method of repeating and 殖種(ing)
taking the sample which diluted it 10 times in every 1ml five test tubes,
counting the number of the positive pipe with which the reaction in five after
the cultivation during 1 scheduled time appeared, and presuming the number of
mycelia cakes judging from a most probable number table.
This method is broadly used from the environmental field
to the health examination, the medical field, or the food evaluation field, and,
unlike a monotonous method or the メンプ run filter method, it seems as a correct
method of being mistaken in it and counting the particulate matter in a sample
that it has been used for a long time from now on also.
Since a test tube is used for this method by the number
called 5 x seven steps per row by one sample also with the river water in
environment, when the number of samples increases, there is the feature which
uses a test tube in large quantities.
However, the instrument used now is a sake of only having
diverted the usual instrument to some other purpose,At the time of auto クレーブ
sterilization (sterilization and two disposal clocks of the culture medium
before use), at the time of - storage, there were many useless spaces, there is
a problem which takes a space more than needed, and it was also hard to operate
it, and at the time of - cultivation, when especially a screw mouth test tube
was used, it had become a neck on work.
Moreover, in the medical fields, such as a health
examination, it is used per 1000 at once and it seems that the effect of that
one is larger.
Reduction of storage spaces
Reduction of storage area
Improvement in 200% of storage area
The improvement of the storage space at the time of
cultivation with an incubator
In order to prevent a mistake, it pays one sample
cultivated [ this ] when cultivating the sample which 殖種(ed) with an incubator (homoiothermal
cultivation machine) at a time for every test-tube stand, and it is presumed
from the microbe concentration expected in a sample, and is paid in three to
eight steps. However, since the test-tube stand is designed in 5 sets x ten
steps, the part of the remaining sequences has become useless.It will cultivate,
and if it is the following, it becomes a cause which can put in two samples but
makes the useless space more than needed, and will be pressed for about four
steps by a case by the necessity for reservation of the incubator itself.
It seems that it becomes as it is shown in the following
The increase in time to put into 1 time of auto クレーブ
It receives putting in with カゴ, and if it increases 1
minute per time, it will presume.
オートクレーブ使用回数の削減。 3回→2回
Reduction of the number of times of auto クレーブ use. Three
-> 2 times
所要時間の短縮 93分×2=184分
Shortening of the time required 93 minute x2= 184 minutes
実労働時間の短縮 15分×2=30分
Shortening of actual working hours 15 minute x2= 30
Shortening of the measuring time after shortening /
cultivation of before-use inspection time
By a most probable number method, there is work which
checks whether the sample is a positive pipe (has it reacted?) a total of 3
times at the time of the measurement before addition of a sample and after
cultivation immediately after production of a culture medium.
Although five rows peculiar to a most probable number
method are checked as 1 set, time to have held noting that I will raise five
simultaneously from a test-tube stand is taken as it is unexpected, and it
requires for one row about 45 seconds. Furthermore, since operation of moving
the checked test tube to the next test-tube stand is required, time takes about
1 minute per row in total.
Since 5 連 are unifying after this improvement and it can
measure as a thing of one as it is, it has again and the time of moving after a
check can be shortened.
効果(推定)7段/件×6件= 42段として
As six effects [ seven steps/affair x ] (presumption) = 42
x42 step x3 time = (60 seconds - 30 seconds) 63 minutes
Comparison with the case where the aluminum cap of a most
probable number method coliform bacteria count etc. is being used
Operation of removing and returning a lid at the time of
attaching an aluminum cap to one one-piece pipe before use and 殖種 of a sample is
one of this operation. Although one operation is a second bit, it serves as time
to carry out no less than 300 pieces, or become.
Since the cap of 1 form 5 連組 is used for after an
improvement, this comes made in one operation per step.
As 60 steps of effects (presumption) (300 pieces).
Noting that attachment of a cap takes 5 seconds at the
time of culture-medium production,
5 second/piece x300 piece-5 second/time x60 time =1200
second = 20 minutes
At the time of 殖種 of a sample
10 second/piece x300 piece-10 second/time x60 time =2400
second = 40 minutes
Comparison with the case where screw mouth test tubes,
such as a hydrogen sulfide generating bacillus, are being used
There is also a thing with operation of closing a lid
completely, carrying out an airtight stopper, and cultivating it during
In this case, in order to prevent that loosen and
sterilize, decompress by contraction by cooling, and a lid stops opening in
order to prevent the burst by the expansion in the high temperature of auto クレーブ
in addition to the above-mentioned operation, operation of shutting a lid is
newly added after cooling. Since there is operation of turning and sticking a
lid again at the time of 殖種, it takes time.
In this case, by flattening the test-tube upper surface
completely and attaching the model of rubber to the direction of a cap, after
carrying a cap, it can respond by pushing from a top. (On both sides of
something, it places at the time of auto クレーブ)
As 60 steps of effects (presumption).
Noting that attachment of a cap takes 10 seconds at the
time of culture-medium production,
10 second/piece x300 piece-10 second/time x60 time =2400
second = 40 minutes
Time concerning reshutting a lid after sterilization
cooling (the inserted thing is removed and as a cap is pushed)
5 second/piece x300 piece-1 second/time x60 time =1440
second = 24 minutes
It is opening and closing of a screw cap at the time of 殖種
of a sample.
20 second/piece x300 piece-20 second/time x60 time =4800
second = 80 minutes
ダーラム管の改善 |
洗浄時間の大幅短縮(自動洗浄機がないうちの会社の場合) 60段として
Large shortening (when it is a company of the inside which
does not have an automatic washing machine) of washing time As 60 steps
Outside washing time
Since a test tube is performed using sponge by outside
washing and turning a test tube for long 円計, it takes 20 seconds. However, with
an improvement proposal, outside washing is ended only by rubbing the outside
several times by sponge for a plane.
300x20 second/book-60x30 second =4200 second = 70 minutes
Washing time of an inside
A test tube is a washing brush, and since it washes an
inner side, turning one at a time, it takes 1 minute for washing.
Since the cultivation tool is being fixed at the same
interval, after an improvement can make the preparations from which five places
are washed only by having one portion, and also it can come to be able to do こ
using the brush to which the hair in the same interval was attached by
unification of the standard, and can be simultaneously washed now five.
This 300x 1 minute/, and -60x 1 minute = 240 minutes
Shortening of the recovery time of the Durham pipe
Now, by integral moulding, the recovery efforts of the
Durham pipe which has been a problem at the time of washing becomes as [ collect
/ it / by pulling the upper string-like portion ], and can shorten washing time
that much.
Other effects
Time to arrange a test tube in a test-tube stand before
use can be shortened.
Time to arrange a test tube in a test-tube stand after
washing can be shortened.
It is an improvement proposal to say. In the author of
this page, above-mentioned Mr. Imazono besides っいる is handing the plan to
estimated creation also the Ichitaro file.
however -- draft proposal is a springboard for discussion
to the last, it gathers once by those who use this instrument, and an idea can
be shared and examined -- たらいing (I calling also by right relations later --
however) -- I consider.
At the last
As written first, the plan proposal of this instrument is
stopped by the relation of the demand of offices now. But if it can do, I will
want you to be able to do. If it is also 創る at any rate, to gather by those who
are conducting the same analysis, to make what everybody tends to use, and I
come to want the cost cut of it to be possible because I get other persons to
buy it. (-- I want you for it and feedback to be further easy to use and to
become) -- と -- in its idea, it says because he thinks that it is as follows.
In water analysis, I think that it is started "whether can
you drink this water or can maintain an ecosystem with this water" with it being
ultimate (also when inspecting by health relations or food relations probably).
And I think that the area which has panted from poverty,
such as developing countries, really needs bacteriological examinations, such as
coliform bacteria count measurement. In advanced nations or a fairly-developed
country, I think that it is only for the check of safety to dare to carry out
since water service progresses, or health administration, such as food, is
enough and the measures against a disease germ are fully taken when the most. On
the other hand, in a poverty area, water service is underdeveloped or health
administration is a part for inconvenience, and it will make a sick
development-of-symptoms rate high, a life will be lost depending on the case,
and I think that it leads to aggravation of poverty again. There is also
actually an area which is using river water and well water by no processing. You
have to cut off this vicious circle. Therefore, I want you to make this
improvement proposal cheap to the extent that it can purchase in large
quantities at a low price and comes to be able to perform sufficient measurement
also in such an area. For that purpose, I think that the design that it is easy
to use everybody and mass production is possible is needed. (Although a patent
fee etc. is what the company of office decides, when using it in such an area,
it thinks that it may carry out patent fee abandonment with it being
individual.) One person also wants to be sick anyhow and to reduce those who are
in trouble. One person also wants to reduce many those who do not need to start
and who are sick and die.
(If it can do, a dream will also want to participate in
tree planting of the desert of how [ to build a desalination plant with a patent
fee and to supply water by a railroad system ].)
Moreover, since the standards, such as a system of a test
tube and size of a test-tube stand, were scattering until now,If a standard is
made like a milk bottle or a 1-sho bottle in having manufactured and washed the
culture medium individually at each analysis room, without making mass
production of a culture medium,Since a culture-medium maker manufactures, it
collects after use / sterilization and it comes to be able to perform
circulation of リユーズ (reuse) called washing re-manufacture, it is also a dream
that a microbiological examination person's in charge time and effort becomes
easy by being released in actual measurement from washing which requires time
and effort beyond measurement or manufacture of a culture medium. (The upper
levels getting an icy film, if a liquid medium is cooled slowly, although not
individually confirmed by opinion (it also having a fact referred to as that the
iceberg of comparatively pure [North Pole which seldom contains impurities
seldom contains salt.).)In ]) and its state, I think that it is equal to
If good at the springboard for discussion (the 1st case)
of a most probable number method, it has by Ichitaro 8 file. In addition, please
mail to the following address also about comment.
IZUKURA Homepage
石屋川Series (it is the river which had the first railroad tunnel in Japan.)
Also unite the count of another page.、He
is the person who saw to the public notice.